
JLLT edited by Thomas Tinnefeld
Showing posts with label Volume 15 (2024) Issue 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volume 15 (2024) Issue 1. Show all posts

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching

Volume 15 (2024) Issue 1 (PDF)


Heiner Böttger & Bianca Höppner (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany)

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 15 (1), 13-32 (PDF)

Abstract (English)

The development of speaking skills, whether in a native or a foreign language, remains a complex field of study that combines neurobiology, psychology, language methodology and linguistics. This article focuses on a less studied component of language or speaking skills called muscle memory. It sheds light on its roots – the main muscles and brain areas involved – as well as its role in verbal communication, articulation, and language acquisition in general. It further outlines a holistic methodological approach to (foreign) language and speaking training that offers practical implementation options to improve muscle memory and, with it, accurate pronunciation and fluency. With these two focal points – theoretic background alongside practical considerations –, the article attempts not only to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the influence of muscle memory on the development of speaking skills, but also aims to bridge the gap between neuromotor processes and methodological practices.

Abstract (German)

Die Entwicklung der Sprechfertigkeit – sei es in der Muttersprache oder in einer Fremdsprache – ist nach wie vor ein komplexes Forschungsgebiet, das Neurobiologie, Psychologie, Fremdsprachendidaktik und Linguistik miteinander verbindet. Der vorliegende Artikel hat eine wenig erforschte Komponente des Sprechens bzw. der Sprachbeherrschung zum Gegenstand, das sogenannte muscle memory (dt. ‚Muskelgedächtnis‘). Es werden  seine Wurzeln – die beteiligten Muskeln und Hirnareale – beleuchtet sowie seine Rolle bei der verbalen Kommunikation, der Artikulation und dem Spracherwerb im Allgemeinen. Darüber hinaus wird ein ganzheitlicher didaktischer Ansatz für das (Fremd-)Sprachentraining bzw. das Sprechtraining skizziert, der praktische Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten zur Verbesserung des Muskelgedächtnisses und damit der korrekten Aussprache und des flüssigen Sprechens bietet. Mit diesen beiden Schwerpunkten, dem theoretischen Hintergrund und den praktischen Überlegungen, versuchen wir nicht nur ein umfassenderes Verständnis des Einflusses des Muskelgedächtnisses auf die Entwicklung der Sprechfertigkeiten zu vermitteln, sondern auch eine Brücke zwischen neuromotorischen Prozessen und (Fremdsprachen)didaktischer Praxis zu schlagen.

Günter Schmale (Lyon, France):

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 15 (1), 33-49 (PDF)


L’acquisition de compétences en oral spontané, objectif prioritaire de l’enseignement scolaire des langues vivantes, nécessite le recours à des paradigmes linguistiques et didactiques appropriés. Au niveau linguistique, il s’agit de se référer à une approche interactionnelle et multimodale de la communication dont les structures de toutes les strates communicationnelles sont à élaborer sur la base de corpus de manifestations conversationnelles en contexte naturel. Les structures servant de base à l’apprentissage-acquisition par l’apprenant sont décrites en tant que “constructions lexicogrammaticales”, i.e. de structures syntaxiques plus ou moins pourvues lexicalement, que les apprenants mémorisent en tant qu’ensembles holistiques à employer tels quels. Au niveau didactique, il importe, dans une perspective “constructiviste” de créer un environnement pédagogique qui permet l’apprentissage et la subséquente acquisition durable et opérationnelle des “constructions” adéquates.

Abstract (Deutsch)

Der Erwerb spontaner mündlich-dialogischer Kommunikationsfähigkeit, zentrales Lernziel schulischen Fremdsprachenunterrichts, erfordert den Rückgriff auf angemessene linguistische und didaktische Ansätze. Ein interaktionell und multimodal orientiertes linguistisches Vorgehen ist unerlässlich, um auf der Grundlage von Korpora sämtliche Facetten konversationeller Aktivitäten in natürlichen kommunikativen Kontexten zu erfassen. Lernerrelevante kommunikative Strukturen werden so als lexikogrammatische Konstruktionseinheiten beschrieben, d.h. syntaktische Rahmen, deren slots in mehr oder weniger starkem Maße lexikalisch besetzt sind. Derartige “Konstruktionen” bilden die Grundlage des Fremdsprachenlernens. Um im institutionellen Kontext Motivation und insbesondere dauerhafte kommunikative Kompetenz zu schaffen, ist die Umsetzung eines “konstruktivistischen” Ansatzes erforderlich.

Abstract (English)

The acquisition of spontaneous oral communicative competence, the main objective of institutional foreign language teaching, requires a return to appropriate linguistic and methodological paradigms. In order to comprehensively describe communicative activities relevant to the foreign language learner on the basis of representative corpora of naturally occurring conversations, an interactional and multimodal approach is essential. These communicative structures are described as lexicogrammatical constructions, i.e. syntactic frameworks whose ‘slots’ are more or less lexically provided and which serve as a basis for foreign language learning. To create motivation and ensure the long-term acquisition of these "constructions", it is necessary to apply a constructivist methodology.

Andrew Schenck (Fort Hays (KS), USA)

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 15 (1), 51-77 (PDF)


Although Form-Focused Instruction (FFI) has been extensively investigated, the degree to which grammatical difficulty impacts input-based and output-based FFI approaches has yet to be well defined in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. To address the need for further research, 36 experimental studies were selected for metanalysis (18 studies with Korean EFL learners and 18 studies with Persian EFL learners). The effects of the type of instruction (input vs. output) were analysed along with other variables that may affect acquisition (complexity of a target feature and L1). The results suggested that input-based instruction was more effective for smaller phrasal features, while output-based instruction was more effective for features with more complex clauses (e.g., relative clauses or conditionals). Regarding the L1, output-based emphasis of collocations was more effective with Persian EFL learners, whose L1 shares more morphosyntactic similarities with English. Collectively, both L1 and L2 may determine the efficacy of FFI.

Brikena Xhaferi, Jeta Hamzai & Gezim Xhaferi (Tetovo, North Macedonia)

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 15 (1), 79-93 (PDF)


Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centred approach based on using students' questions to facilitate learning. This approach is based on constructivist philosophy, particularly the work of Piaget, Dewey and Vygostky. Because it is suitable for developing students' critical thinking skills, modern educational methodologists call for its wider use in the classroom, not only in language teaching but also in other disciplines. The present study aims to explore teachers' and students' perceptions and classroom experiences of IBL in the EFL classroom at tertiary level. The research context is the South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo, North Macedonia. The study, which uses two instruments, a survey and an interview for data collection, found that IBL has several benefits, including the development of communication skills, collaboration among students, critical thinking and active learning.

Manuel Vidal & Christine Ericsdotter Nordgren (Stockholm, Sweden):

Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching 15 (1), 95-122 (PDF)


Although it is widely recognised by language teachers that the use of musical activities supports language development in both children and adults, studies show that teachers do not use them as much as they would like. This gap can be disadvantageous to both learners and teachers. The purpose of this study was to collect examples of music activities that actually take place and are regarded as beneficial for language development in Spanish in a Swedish school context, and what conditions are central to them being used. The study is based on a survey and follow-up interviews with Spanish teachers, and the results show that a wide variety of activities are used, both with a focus on communicative and cultural competences, and on providing stimulating settings for learning. This high level of use suggests a smaller gap between teachers' beliefs and practices compared to previous studies, possibly indicating that music has a more prominent place in the Spanish classroom than in other foreign language classrooms. The choice of music for the learning activity emerged as a particularly important factor for the activity to work as intended.

Sammanfattning (Svenska)

Olika typer av musikaktiviteter kan gynna språkutvecklingen för såväl barn som vuxna, men flera studier visar att lärare inte använder dem i den utsträckning de skulle vilja. Detta glapp kan vara till nackdel för både inlärare och lärare. Syftet med denna studie var att samla exempel på musikaktiviteter som faktiskt blir av och bedöms fungera positivt för språkutveckling i spanska i svensk skolkontext, och vilka förutsättningar som är centrala för att detta ska ske. Studien baserar sig på enkätsvar och uppföljande intervjuer med spanskalärare, och resultaten visar att en stor variation av aktiviteter används både med fokus på kommunikativa och kulturella kompetenser, och för att främja förutsättningarna för lärande. Denna höga användning tyder på ett mindre glapp mellan övertygelse och praktik inom just spanskämnet, vilket kan tyda på att musik har en mer given plats i spanskaklassrummet än i andra språkämnen. Musikval framstår som en särskilt viktig faktor för att aktiviteten ska fungera med avsedd effekt.