
JLLT edited by Thomas Tinnefeld

Publication Process

The progression from manuscript submission to publication within JLLT represents a systematic and collaborative process. The stages of this publication process underscore the cooperative efforts undertaken to uphold the standards and principles of scholarly communication within the academic community. The following outlines the key stages of the publication process: 

Manuscript Submission:
Authors submit their manuscripts for consideration, adhering to the journal's submission guidelines.

Plagiarism Check:
Manuscripts undergo a rigorous plagiarism check using advanced online detection software to ensure the integrity and originality of the content.

Pre-screening by Editor:
The editor conducts an initial assessment to evaluate the manuscript's alignment with the journal's scope and quality standards. Authors are promptly notified if their submission does not meet the criteria.

Peer Review by Editorial Board:
Selected manuscripts undergo a thorough peer-review process facilitated by the editorial board. Reviewers provide detailed feedback on methodology, analysis, and overall scholarly contribution, assisting authors in enhancing the manuscript's quality.

Positive Outcome:
Upon successful completion of the peer-review process, authors receive detailed feedback and are invited to revise their manuscripts. 

Copyediting, Proofreading, and Typesetting:
Revised manuscripts undergo careful copyediting, proofreading, and typesetting to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to the journal's style guidelines. 

Article Publication Online:
Edited articles are published on a dedicated page of the journal's website, ensuring wide dissemination to the academic community. Open access principles are upheld to foster wide accessibility.

Issue Compilation:
Following web publication, all articles in the current issue are formally compiled into a cohesive PDF format. While the web page version is retained for convenience, the PDF ensures a citable format.

Finalisation of Publication:
The formal conclusion of the publication process for each issue involves a final check for completeness and adherence to quality standards. Once completed, the issue is officially concluded.

Paper Printouts:
Printouts of the journal issue are sent to the German National Library for documentation and to other university libraries interested in a printed copy. This step ensures archival documentation and the availability of physical copies for libraries that prefer or require printed material.