
JLLT edited by Thomas Tinnefeld

The present issue opens up the fourth year of JLLT. As a symbol of the completion of the journal's first important phase and the opening of a new step towards the journal's further development, JLLT's layout will be modified.
In the first phase of the journal's development for the past three years, readability was of highest importance, especially in view of the journal's online representation. In the first instance, a paper publication had not been taken as the key issue, as it would presumably have limited the accessibility and distribution of the journal in terms of the number of pages being published. However, the paper publications have, in the meantime, been proven to be of high value in that they allow the journal to be physically present not only in many German university libraries but also in the German National Library. The paper version with a limited number of copies for library documentation will thus be continuously published.
The natural limitation of any paper publication, due to financial considerations, is a given fact. What could, however, be modified, is the textual appearance of the journal, and this is what we have chosen to do .
Another important aspect which is worth mentioning is the fact that the present issue sees the first article published in JLLT in Spanish. Several articles on Spanish having been published in the past issues, this is the first article published in Spanish. It is also in this respect that JLLT is extending its scope, with Spanish being the third language in which articles have been published here. Up to the present issue, articles had been published in English or German. As the editor, I therefore hope that there will be more Spanish contributions to be made in the future.
In this context, I would also like to appeal to authors and researchers to submit articles in French, hoping that the scope of the journal can thus be further extended.
Finally, as always, I wish our readers an inspiring, informative and critical reading. And above all, I thank all the authors who have contributed their articles to JLLT.
Thomas Tinnefeld